Overcoming Emotional Chaos (e-Book)

Overcoming Emotional Chaos (e-Book)

Preis (inkl. MwSt):  € 8.00

Overcoming Emotional Chaos: Eliminate anxiety, lift depression and create security in your life
by Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman


Doc's ground breaking book provides an in-depth understanding of the Cut-Thru? technique and applications for these times. It tells how to use Cut-Thru as a tool in action at any moment to release overwhelm, overcare, and over-attachment to outcomes. Doc talks about a new intuitive bandwidth that is available in these times and how to bring more of your real spirit into your humanness, release hidden emotional vanities and become your real self.


The book outlines some of the subtler psychology behind common emotional patterns that keep us bogged down. If you're at all curious about why emotions always seem to get the best of us, then this book is a must read. Ah-ha's happen continuously throughout the book and conjure up a new clarity in your heart that gives the "can do" power to start making internal changes you never thought possible.


This book covers the range of emotional chaos that can and does affect our families, our friends, co-workers, our neighbors and us. Throughout the book there are "personal evaluation" pages to help track what you observe in yourself, where you want to focus and how to track your progress. And, "Overcoming Emotional Chaos" outlines the tools you'll need to create a future free of anxiety habits and full of renewed vitality as you develop the ability to navigate your feeling world to feel better in the now.


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